So you wanna get out in the backcountry in the winter. Backpacking and hiking look very different with the addition of a very cold beast: snow. With snow comes navigation challenges and more dangerously: avalanches. Learning to mitigate risk in the wintry backcountry is essential to staying alive. To do so, most folks take an Avalanche Institute for Avalanche Research and Education (AIARE) course. AIARE courses can be quite cost-prohibitive, especially for folks who are underrepresented in the winter backcountry. I’ve compiled a list of all available AIARE scholarships, or AIARE-adjacent scholarships below.
Table of contents
- Current AIARE Scholarships
- Previous AIARE Scholarhips
- Mikee Linville Backcountry Awareness Scholarship
- American Alpine Club Partner in Adventure Outdoor Education Grant
- Sierra Avalanche Center Scholarships
- SheJumps Snowpack Scholarship
- Peter Inglis Avalanche Education Fund Scholarships
- George Dirth Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Lake Tahoe Community College Discounted AIARE
- Climbers of Color AIARE 1 Discounted AIARE
- Voile BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship
- SAFE AS Scholarship
- EDGE Outdoors Scholarship
Current AIARE Scholarships
“Guide Like Liz” Scholarship
Open to: women over 18 who would like to work in the mountains
Location: everywhere
Where to apply: http://www.alpineinstitute.com/about-us/liz-daley-scholarship/
Deadline: January 31, 2021
Note: This is a scholarship for women who have a love of the mountains and an affinity for mountain adventure to pursue their dreams and passions and explore guiding as a career.
Doug Abromeit Avalanche Scholarship
Open to: applicants must be between the ages of 14 and 24
Location: North Idaho, Eastern Washington, and Western Montana (Idaho Panhandle)
Where to apply: https://www.idahopanhandleavalanche.org/doug-abromeit-avalanche-scholarship
Deadline: February 1st, 2021
Mountaineers Org Scholarships
Open to: everyone
Location: Washington
Where to apply: https://www.mountaineers.org/membership/scholarship-financial-assistance
Deadline: At least 2 weeks before you wish to register for the course. We will not be able to refund the difference if you receive a scholarship after paying for the course in full.
Note: The Mountaineers typically awards scholarships of 30-70% of the program cost, based on need.
Weston x Backcountry Babes Avalanche Scholarship
Open to: women
Location: Colorado, California, New Mexico and New Hampshire
Where to apply: https://westonbackcountry.com/pages/weston-backcountry-babes-avalanche-scholarship
Deadline: March 1st, 2021, funds awarded at the end of every month
Weston x AIARE “Powder to the People” Scholarship
Open to: women, LGBTQ+, BIPOC
Location: everywhere
Where to apply: https://westonbackcountry.com/pages/aiare-scholarship
Deadline: March 1st, 2021, funds awarded at the end of every month
Note: $150 scholarship
Voile BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship
Open to: women 21+
Location: everywhere
Where to apply: https://www.voile.com/blog/brooke-jackson-scholarship-for-women-in-the-backcountry-2021/
Deadline: January 31st, 2021 at 11:59pm MST
Note: This is not an AIARE scholarship, but a gear scholarship instead. A Voile.com account credit of $1,600 USD will be rewarded to the overall winner. This is enough to build a near-complete backcountry kit that includes skis or a splitboard, bindings, poles, avalanche shovel, probe, and crampons. Voile will provide a $700 USD Voile.com account credit to the runner up.

Previous AIARE Scholarhips
Mikee Linville Backcountry Awareness Scholarship
Check back: September 1st
Open to: everyone
Location: Arizona
Where to apply: https://kachinapeaks.org/Scholarship
Deadline: December 31st
American Alpine Club Partner in Adventure Outdoor Education Grant
Check back: ???
Open to: everyone
Location: everywhere
Where to apply: https://americanalpineclub.org/partner-in-adventure
Note: This is not an AIARE-specific grant, but can be applied to one. Open to duos of all experience levels, the grant will award partners up to $1,000 for the educational opportunity of your choice.
Sierra Avalanche Center Scholarships
Check back: October 2021
Open to: everyone
Location: California
Where to apply: https://www.sierraavalanchecenter.org/avalanche-course-scholarships
Deadline: November 2020
SheJumps Snowpack Scholarship
Check back: October 2021
Open to: women
Location: California, Washington, Oregon, and New Hampshire
Where to apply: https://www.shejumps.org/snowpack
Deadline: October 31, 2020
Note: If you’re not ready for the backcountry, apply for the Ikon Pass scholarship.
Peter Inglis Avalanche Education Fund Scholarships
Check back: ???
Open to: everyone
Location: Colorado
Where to apply: https://www.telluridemountainclub.org/peter-inglis-avalanche-education-fund-scholarships/
Deadline: December 15, 2020
George Dirth Memorial Scholarship Fund
Check back: ???
Open to: everyone
Location: Colorado and Utah
Where to apply: https://wwgd.systrap.net/George-Dirth-Memorial-Scholarship-Fund/
Deadline: December 31, 2020
Lake Tahoe Community College Discounted AIARE
Check back: Fall 2021
Open to: everyone
Location: Lake Tahoe, CA
Where to apply: https://schedule.ltcc.edu/Lists/Courses/CustomDispForm.aspx?ID=905&InitialTabId=Ribbon.Read&fbclid=IwAR11w80YFqLEG7wUvV64cOmv8ajNcwLh7tDPu-9ILlSfBhXx_ZnFemP-OHg
Deadline: When it fills
Note: This is a discounted class, offered through Lake Tahoe Community College. Course number is WLD-128B, and this is offered under the Wilderness Education program. College sites are the worst to navigate.
Climbers of Color AIARE 1 Discounted AIARE
Check back: ???
Open to: members of the BIPOC community
Location: Washington
Where to apply: https://www.climbersofcolor.org/aiare1
Deadline: midnight, November 8th
Note: The discounted cost is $250. Additional scholarships available.
Voile BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship
Check back: ???
Open to: BIPOC-identifying individuals
Location: everywhere
Where to apply: https://www.voile.com/blog/voile-bipoc-backcountry-scholarship/
Deadline: October 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm MST
Note: This is not an AIARE scholarship, but a gear scholarship instead. A Voile.com account credit of $1,600 USD will be rewarded to the overall winner. This is enough to build a near-complete backcountry kit that includes skis or a splitboard, bindings, poles, avalanche shovel, probe, and crampons. Voile will provide a $700 USD Voile.com account credit to the runner up.
SAFE AS Scholarship
Check back: ???
Open to: women
Location: California, Washington, Utah, Maine
Where to apply: http://www.safeasclinics.com/scholarships
Deadline: November 28th, 2020
Note: This is not an AIARE class, but a Women’s Introduction Level Course to Avalanche Safety and FUNdraiser Event.
EDGE Outdoors Scholarship
Check back: ???
Open to: womxn of color or transwomxn of color, 21 years of age or older
Location: Washington
Where to apply: https://edgeoutdoors.org/?fbclid=IwAR0wsKtxQ1EEMD3U35XtF-eGE2aZgrBqyGDCxvlLDSA0ZwAk6_s7EBUsB6M
Deadline: January 11, 2021
Note: This is not an AIARE class. These are scholarships to learn how to ski or snowboard with other womxn.
If I’m missing a scholarship, please leave me a comment below and I’ll be sure to add it.

Last updated on January 29, 2021.