Wes Walker and his wife love traveling, especially through US National Parks. With no trips planned in the future, Wes decided to surprise his wife with the best birthday gift ever: postcards from people traveling all over the world!
He’s armed with a PO Box. And now he needs your help to fill it. Here’s how!
Pick a postcard from a national park, or maybe even a state park. Write a message on it.
Address it to Ruth, PO Box 585, Katoomba, NSW, Australia 2780. Go to the post office, get some international postage (about $1.50) and send it off.
Don’t want to bother with international shipping? That’s okay. Stick that postcard in an envelope, address the envelope to me at 420 Taylor St., San Francisco, CA 95014. I’ll be collecting all of these and sending them to Wes in one fell swoop. Please make sure postcards are in my hands by March 31, 2014.
After the postcard is sent, tell a friend. Heck, tell a stranger. Tell someone to continue the chain and help make Ruth’s birthday a fantastic one!
Check out Wes’ blog here as he chronicles his previous adventures with his wife.