It’s no secret that I only hike to eat and drink things. Most of my backpacking trips happen just for the backcountry happy hour. I previously wrote about how to make the most instagrammable snack board and how to have an amazing backcountry happy hour. Now, the Opinel Nomad Cooking Kit exists to make both of these things an absolute breeze.

Bring your wine, cheese, cured meats, and bread because this little kit does it all. An 8″ x 5″ Beechwood Cutting Board lets you cut and present your goods. A 16″ x 16″ Microfiber Cloth carries the kit in a neatly wrapped package, and helps you keep your board and set clean. The Cooking Kit comes with three knives: No.12 Serrated Folding Knife, No.10 Folding Corkscrew Knife, and the No.06 Pocket Peeler.

How did the Opinel Nomad Cooking Kit fare?
My cutting board cracked and warped when I left it in the sink to soak off all the gunk. It’s still functional, just less aesthetic. The serrated folding knife got super gummed up where the folding mechanism is. For a while, it didn’t open, leaving me with a nice weight to keep the microfiber cloth from blowing away. Lastly, the pocket peeler is not useful to me. I never carry anything with me that required peeling on the spot, and I couldn’t think of anything I would want to eat with a peel. Apple? I’ll just eat the peel. Carrots? I’ll pre-peel or just eat the peel. A spreading knife (my cheese game is very strong) would be much more beneficial.
Buy the Opinel Nomad Cooking Kit through REI, Amazon, or CampSaver for $85.

This was sent to me for review. This post contains affiliate links.